
Staircases are seen as connectors between at least two different levels. Vertical risers and horizontal treads are connected to steps over a slope. (show more)

Fire Escapes / Fire Exit Stairs

Industrial / Maintenance Staircases

Indoor / Balcony Staircases

Special Structures


A staircase serves to provide horizontal and vertical access to buildings in order to negotiate height differences with the least possible exertion of force. Building law and safety matters, user concerns and identification, function and spatial experience, clarity and traffic flow as well as aesthetic concepts are determined very early in the course of a basic design brief.

Ramps with a lesser pitch (< 20°) could also be authorized in place of staircases (20 – 45°). Ramps are particularly suitable in buildings where the circulation routes need to be designed to be accessible for old people and those with disabilities. Other fixed access methods are stepladders (< 75°) und cat ladders (75 – 90°).

A staircase can normally be considered as a long-term investment. It needs to contribute to the aesthetic appearance of a space and of course be simultaneously functional and in accordance with the basic guide lines (DIN, GUV, requirements etc.). The surface treatments must at least meet the requirements at its installation location.

Staircases are divided into systems that are either necessary or unnecessary in accordance with building law, whereby a further subdivision differentiates between staircases and winding staircases. We plan, draw and realize your idea for an aesthetically pleasing and functional staircase together with you, our customer. Our comprehensive range of products extends from a fire escape on the outside of a building to various industrial staircases and elegant living room staircases.