MEISER gratings Inc.

Meiser gratings Inc.

1579 Monroe Drive NE
Box 410
Atlanta, GA 30324

Telefon: +1 404 488 6592


IKG employs 350 people, is the best known and most renowned grating manufacturer in the USA and can look back on a successful history of over a hundred years. The two production plants in Texas and the plant in Indiana are complemented by a modern production site in Mexico. Since the beginning of 2024, IKG has strengthened the MEISER company, securing a strong presence in the USA, one of the most important global markets, for the first time.

Founded: 1984
Employees: ca. 350
Business areas: Production and distribution of gratings
Sales region:

1514 South Sheldon Road
Houston, TX 77015

P.O. Box 310
Channelview, TX 77530

+1 800-324-8417 Toll Free
+1 281-452-6637 Phone (Plant)
+1 281-452-0709 Phone (Sales)